驾驭情绪的力量:7步终结情绪化饮食:using dialectical behavior therapy skills to cope with difficult emotions and develop a healthy relationship to food
  • 商品编号:2904391
  • ISBN:9787213088001
  • 出版社:浙江人民出版社
  • 作者:(美)珍妮弗·泰兹(Jennifer L. Taitz)著,徐卓,张婍译
  • 出版日期:2018-07-01
  • 开本:16开
  • 装帧:平装
  • 中图分类:R749.92-49
  • 页数:241
  • 册数:1
  • 大约重量:700(g)
  • 上架时间:2018-07-25
销售价:¥17 (27折)
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《驾驭情绪的力量:7步终结情绪化饮食:using dialectical behavior therapy skills to cope with difficult emotions and develop a healthy relationship to food》内容简介:


《驾驭情绪的力量:7步终结情绪化饮食:using dialectical behavior therapy skills to cope with difficult emotions and develop a healthy relationship to food》图书目录:

《驾驭情绪的力量:7步终结情绪化饮食:using dialectical behavior therapy skills to cope with difficult emotions and develop a healthy relationship to food》作者简介:

《驾驭情绪的力量:7步终结情绪化饮食:using dialectical behavior therapy skills to cope with difficult emotions and develop a healthy relationship to food》书摘与插图: